The Brompton’s Sturmy Archer internal hub was loved by the community. This is partly due to the low maintenance nature with them. Should you require to run a service on the hub, here is how I did it on one of the hub.

Preparing to service the Brompton internal hub.

We first remove the cogs set from the hub.

Loosen the necessary nuts with a 16mm and 17mm spanner wrench on the non-drive side of the wheel.

The non drive side’s nuts, washer and bearing place holder are also loosen.

Completely remove the locking nuts and bearing place holder on the non-drive side of the wheel.

Prepare to remove the “gear box” from the rear hub.

Unlocking the rear hub’s “gear box” with the supplied tool.

The entire “gear box” can easier be pulled out from the hub’s casing.

This “gear box” condition isn’t that bad.

The internal view of the rear hub’s casing.

Prepare to stripe apart the “gear box” into bits and pieces.

Slowly de-grease, service and check to the condition of each of the small parts.

Extra care were taken to handle the smaller parts such as the retention springs.

Nicely serviced and ready for the re-assembled.

All done and ready for actions.
There will be a follow up post more on the “gear box” section of the hub.